Bishop Earley Dillard
Presiding Bishop

Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

I want to personally invite you to attend The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International’s 79th Annual Holy Convocation, and the 69th International Youth For Christ (IYFC) Convention. We will convene in the beautiful city of Baltimore, Maryland on July 31 - August 4, 2023, and I would love to see you there.

Our Convocation Chairman and committee are working tirelessly to make this upcoming Convocation and IYFC Convention a memorable event. This year’s agenda is designed for us to experience spiritual enrichment for our souls and intervals of personal fellowship. The goal is for everyone to enjoy this week as we endeavor to promote a glorious time in the Lord, along with quality family time.

Our theme, “Walking Towards Spiritual Fellowship” is divinely aligned with last year’s theme, “The Spirit of Fellowship.” Let us strive to come together in love and fellowship one towards another. Our love towards God is measured by our daily interactions with others and represents the power that resides within us.

Save the date and make plans to join us the entire week at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland. You do not want to miss this great event! “There’s a blessing with your name on it!”

I love you and may the blessings of God be upon you in Jesus’ name!

The Master’s Servant

The WOTCC International Headquarters 
Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr.
General Secretary

Deacon Herbert Contee
Trustee Board Executive Administrator

1800 Hazelwood Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 28043, US

Executive Staff and Administration

Bishop Earley Dillard
Presiding Bishop

Bishop Roosevelt Fulton
Vice Presiding Bishop

Bishop Darnell Easton
2nd Vice Presiding Bishop

Bishop Bennett B Gamble, Sr.
General Secretary

Bishop Ronald Frazier
Convocation Chairman